George Bush as Peter Parker?

David Frum calls Spiderman 2 “the great pro-Bush movie of the summer.” I’ll at least agree with Frum that it was a great summer movie.

Update: A reader e-mails this comment:

Frum does seem to be stretching here. Last I checked Peter Parker was an orphan who is struggling to pay for college by delivering Pizzas. He’s a scientifically gifted social outcast who has devoted his life to helping others. And Bush? Son of a president; grandson of Senator; born into huge money and the 2nd most powerful political family in the country; Andover, Yale, Harvard; proud to be a C student, consistently places religion over science, puts his financial backers interests above this alleged conservative principles, etc. And the Bugle is clearly the NY Post or Drudge. Moore may be an ass and a liar, but he’s not a tabloid.

Fair points all.

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