
How Wise People Respond to Aggression:

Guestblogging over at The Leiter Reports, Jessica Wilson offers advice to Palestinians and supporters of Al Qaeda on how to respond to the military aggression of the Israelis and the United States. She writes:

I am not a wise person, though I aspire to be. But I know how a wise person responds to aggression. When a wise person faces aggression, they do not immediately and blindly strike back, thus potentially initiating a cycle of endless violence and retribution. Rather, they consider why they have been struck. Have they, perhaps, done something to offend the aggressor? If so, muses the wise person, perhaps they might avoid future aggression by removing the source of the offense.

   This seems greatly oversimplified, but surely there is some wisdom there.

   UPDATE: Oops, my mistake! I just realized that Wilson intended this advice for Israel and the United States for how to respond to aggression from the Palestinians and Al-Qaeda, not the other way around. I apologize for the confusion.

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