Volokh Conspiracy Sells Out:

I’m pleased to report that American Lawyer Media’s law.com has invited us to join the Law.com Blog Network, and we accepted. This means:

  1. You’ll see an ad that they provide in the upper right hand corner of the blog, followed by headlines from other Blog Network blogs. We neither endorse nor denounce the contents of those ads, though I suppose that if they start selling “I Love Fidel” T-shirts, we might have a word or two with them.
  2. We’ll see a small cut of the ad revenue, which we’ll enjoy on our new Conspiracy jet in our old miserable hovels, since it really is a pretty small cut (though, hey, it’s always nice to add to young Benjamin’s education fund).
  3. We’ll also see more eyeballs. Yum! Eyeballs! Really, we’re into blogging for the eyeballs — as you might have gathered, we (mostly lawprofs) love to talk, and it’s always more fun to talk when people are listening. And the law.com people say that they’ll promote the Blog Network blogs to their readers, thus drawing more of said delicacies our way.
  4. You’ll see the same content as before. They aren’t telling us what to write; the content is, as always, entirely of our own choice. I suppose that if they sufficiently dislike what we’re writing, I suppose, they can tell us to take a hike, but then we’ll tell them to take a hike. We can be bought, but not for the amount they’re paying us.
  5. We cobloggers also promise to avoid fratricidal infighting over how to split the handsome revenue that will be rolling in.
  6. Just ’cause we think it’s only fair, here’s what our new robot overlords our corporate partners have to say: “‘Through this innovative partnership, Law.com now has tapped into a forum where important voices are providing insights into developing events and issues,’ said Stacey Artandi, vice president, online publishing for ALM. ‘We’re excited that these individuals, who are closely followed and deeply respected, are enhancing our daily legal coverage by joining our Network. Law.com will continue to add emerging thought leaders as we expand our presence in the legal community.'” Emerging thought leaders — I like that!
  7. Oh, yes, and “For Law.com Blog Network advertising information and assistance, please contact Michaela Apruzzese at 212-545-5901 or [email protected].”
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