Voting alignments:

The Harvard Law Review, vol. 117, p. 481, counts the percentage of times that each pair of Justices voted together in the 2002-03 Term (apparently the number of times they joined the same opinion, not just reached the same bottom line — “the number of decisions in which the two Justices agreed in a majority, plurality, dissenting, or concurring opinion”). According to this table, which Justices were most often aligned? I’ll post the answer tomorrow, and note the first person who figured out the correct answer — but no fair peeking! (UPDATE: The answer is here.)

UPDATE: The first three responses were Scalia and Thomas. But if the answer were that obvious, why would I be asking?

NOTE: I originally omitted “in the 2002-03 Term”; sorry about that! Fortunately, most of my correspondents seem to have assumed this.

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