Einer Elhauge, Guest-Blogging:

I’m delighted to say that we’ll be joined this week by Einer Elhauge, Petrie Professor of Law at Harvard Law School and faculty director of the Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology and Bioethics.
Prof. Elhauge teaches Antitrust, Contracts, Corporations, Health Care Law, and Statutory Interpretation, and writes about all these topics plus, among other things, legislative term limits, the 2000 Presidential election, the implications of interest group theory for judicial review, and whether lawyers improve the legal system. His most recent publication are Global Antitrust Law and Economics (Foundation Press 2007) and Global Competition Law and Economics (Hart Publishing 2007); he is also working on the forthcoming Statutory Default Rules for Harvard University Press, books on Contract Theory and Health Law Policy, and articles on re-engineering human biology and other topics.

As befits Prof. Elhauge’s eclectic scholarly tastes, his guest posts will deal with a variety of trends in legal studies, from legal globalization to the teaching market to statutory interpretation. I’m very much looking forward to his contributions this week.

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