
Brown University Welcomes Duke Rape Case Victim:

Sophomore Reade Seligmann was one of the victims of the false rape case at Duke University. The Brown University lacrosse coach, with support from the school’s administration, recruited Seligmann for the Brown team, and he will enroll at Brown this fall. As a Brown Daily Herald article explains, Brown’s new coach began recruiting Seligmann “almost immediately” after being hired last August. Although the malicious prosecution had not yet collapsed, the coach talked to people in the lacrosse community who knew Seligmann, and was “absolutely convinced” of Seligmann’s innocence. According to the BDH, “Seligmann, who says he always wanted to attend an Ivy League school, chose Brown over the other two or three schools that were interested in him because of how the University treated him. They allowed him to visit the campus when he wasn’t even allowed back at Duke.”

Three cheers for my alma mater for standing up for truth and justice.

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