
Senator Schumer’s Says No More GOP Justices:

Speaking yesterday at the American Constitution Society’s National Convention, Senator Charles Schumer said that the Senate was “duped” and “hoodwinked” by John Roberts’ and Samuel Alito’s confirmation hearing performances and explained that he would “do everything in [his] power to prevent” the confirmation of another justice like John Roberts or Samuel Alito. Here are some excerpts:

Although we have only experienced one full term with both Roberts and Alito on the Supreme Court, it appears that we were not given the most accurate picture of the nominees we confirmed.

After hearing Roberts wax philosophic about judicial modesty at his confirmation hearings, and then reading his calculated decisions furtively defying stare decisis, I can only conclude that we were presented a misleading portrait.

And so, every day, I feel more comfortable with my vote against Chief Justice Roberts.

And every day, I am pained that I didn

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