What Happens in a Multipolar World?

The Chicago Journal of International Law has a new symposium issue coming online soon on the topic of a multipolar world. I have a piece in it, so does my co-blogger Chris Borgen of Opinio Juris, John Yoo, and some others – I’ll post a link to the issue when it appears. My own piece is titled, United Nations Collective Security and the United States Security Guarantee in a Multipolar World: The Security Council as the Talking Shop of the Nations.

It’s a pretty self-explanatory title. The one thing I’d add to the abstract is that there is a discussion of NATO and a Hymn to one of my Intellectual Heroes, Raymond Aron, in the middle of the essay that begins (the editors were slightly taken aback): “Be wary, O Europe, and consider carefully what Aron would say of an America that does not assert, rudely and brusquely and vulgarly, its own interests first …” Mighty pretty speechifying, no?

In shameless self-promotion mode, you can get it from SSRN at the link; here is the abstract:


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