
Gone Fishing:

I am currently in Bozeman, Montana. I did not come here to see the President. Rather, this past week I attended a conference for judges and law professors on Terrorism, Civil Liberty, and National Security, sponsored by the Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment. The conference ended yesterday, so now I’m fishing. Today we had a rainy — though fairly successful — float on the Madison. My Dad had the biggest fish of the day — a portly, 18 inch Rainbow.

As for the President’s visit, most of the national coverage I’ve seen stressed the generally favorable audience at the town hall. For what it’s worth, the local coverage I’ve seen and heard out here has stressed that anti-ObamaCare protestors substantially outnumbered supporters outside the meeting. This should not be surprising — this is Montana.

UPDATE: Saturday started cold, but warmed up nicely in the afternoon. Floating on the Yellowstone south of Livingston we caught well over a dozen nymphing in the morning, and landed some beautiful Rainbows and Cutbows on hoppers after lunch, before the rain returned. I’m praying for sun on Sunday.

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