
Political bloggers: We love Tom Coburn and Bernie Sanders

Last week’s National Journal poll of political bloggers asked Left-leaning and Right-leaning bloggers about their favorite political figures. Herewith, the results:

Most-admired House member: On the Left, Alan Grayson. My father’s former campaign treasurer, Denver Rep. Diana DeGette, tied for second. On the Right, tie between Jeff Flake, Mike Pence, and Paul Ryan. I voted for Flake.

Most-admired Senator: On the Left, Bernie Sanders. On the Right, Tom Coburn. I voted for Coburn.

Which current member of Congress has the brightest political future: On the Left, Alan Grayson. (A result I view as very wrong, if a bright political future includes winning re-election.) On the Right, a tie between Michelle Bachmann, Eric Cantor, and Jim DeMint. I voted for Bachmann, because I thought that she will continue to win re-election, might move up to the Senate, and continues to grow in national influence. Twelve months from now, she’ll still be rising in political influence, while Grayson will be trying to get a job as an Air America host. This isn’t a value judgment about Grayson/Bachmann, just a political prediction.

Most impressive Cabinet Secretary this year: On the Left, Hillary Clinton. On the Right, Robert Gates. I voted for Interior Secretary Salazar.

Which political figure has most impressed you this year: On the Left, Alan Grayson. On the Right, Sarah Palin. I voted for interim Honduran President Robert Micheletti, “for saving his nation from despotism and standing up to powerful foreign governments which backed the would-be despot.”

Who is the best Democratic/Republican strategist: The Left picked David Plouffe. The Right picked Karl Rove, as did I. Not so great in 2006, but pretty insightful these days.

Who is the most creative Democratic/Republican thinker: The Left chose “None,” followed by Howard Dean. The Right chose Newt Gingrich, as did I. Not a good manager, as shown by his tenure as Speaker of the House, but very creative and smart.

Which voice in the Democratic/Republican party would you like to mute: The Left wanted to silence Rahm Emanuel. On the Right, there was a tie between Gingrich, Michael Steele, and Lindsey Graham. I voted for “none,” because “Diversity is a sign of strength, and debate is healthy.”

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