
Official Miami-Dade Transit Approval of the “Leaving Islam” Ads

The Miami-Dade County Attorney’s Office got back to me in response to my e-mail, and confirmed that the ad has indeed been approved:

Dear Mr. Shilling:

Please be advised that CBS Outdoor failed to comply with Sections 4.01 and 4.02 of Contract No. TR03-ADV “Advertising Contract,” specifically, CBS did not obtain approval from the Miami-Dade Transit (MDT) Director prior to placing the attached advertisement on 10 MDT buses. Accordingly, said advertisements were pulled pending further review by me.

Upon review and in consultation with the County Attorney’s Office, the advertisement in question, although considered offensive by some, does not fall under the general guidelines that would cause its removal. Please be advised that by agreeing to post these ads, Miami-Dade County is not endorsing the message being presented. Therefore, CBS is authorized to place the attached advertisement on MDT buses.

Thank you for your attention in this matter.

Harpal S. Kapoor
Miami-Dade Transit …

I have not gotten a copy of the official policy about just what ads are barred (if there even is one).

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