
Connecticut Secretary of State Legally Barred from Running for Connecticut Attorney General

The New Haven Independent reports:

[Susan] Bysiewicz …, a popular Democrat who’s secretary of the state … ran for attorney general instead …. [But] it turned out she might not legally qualify for the job, because she hasn’t been practicing law for the past 10 years.

The matter went to court. Bysiewicz convinced the lower court that even though she hasn’t been appearing before judges or doing technical legal work, her job as secretary of the state could still meet the legal definition of being a lawyer…. [But today the Connecticut Supreme Court ruled that Ms. Bysiewicz] has in fact not been working as a lawyer, and is therefore ineligible to run for attorney general.

The relevant statute reads, “The Attorney General shall be an elector of this state and an attorney at law of at least ten years’ active practice at the bar of this state.”

Thanks to Richard Winger (Ballot Access News) for the pointer.

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