
Larry Ribstein, RIP

I am sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings during the holiday season. Unfortunately, however, I recently learned that University of Illinois law professor Larry Ribstein passed away suddenly earlier today. Larry was a well-known and highly regarded legal scholar – one of the best of his generation. He wrote extensively on corporate law, federalism, and the future of legal education.

No doubt there will be many analyses and appreciations of Larry’s outstanding contributions to scholarship over the coming days and weeks. My personal favorite among his many excellent works is his recent book The Law Market (coauthored with Erin O’Hara), which is perhaps the best recent book on the potential benefits of competition between state legal systems in American federalism. Larry is also well-known in the legal blogosphere for his insightful posts at Truth on the Market, where he wrote an excellent post on ABA accreditation of law schools just a few days ago.

I have known Larry professionally for several years, and he was always a courteous and helpful colleague, including for much younger and lesser-known scholars. I saw him give a workshop presentation just a couple months ago, where he was, as always, in excellent form. His unexpected passing comes as a terrible shock. He will be greatly missed by his family, friends, and colleagues.

UPDATE: The official memorial notice from the University of Illinois is available here.

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