
Law and Robots Conference Call for Papers, and a Link to a Video From HRW’s Tom Malinowski Which, Though I am Not Persuaded, Will Always Treasure

The “Law and Robotics Conference” will take place on April 8-9, 2013, at Stanford Law School (it follows on the highly successful law and robotics conference that took place at University of Miami last year).  Conference organizers are seeking proposals to present conference papers – I should have posted this a while ago – and paper proposals are due by this Friday, January 18.  Matthew Waxman and I plan to submit a proposal on comparing self-driving cars and autonomous weapon systems (I’ve been exploring some of these ideas, brainstorming for the paper, here at Volokh), and I am 100% certain the conference will be terrific with outstanding papers and great discussions.  Here is the link if you’re interested.

Meanwhile, over at Lawfare, Human Rights Watch’s Tom Malinowski, Benjamin Wittes, Matthew Waxman, and I have been debating the recent HRW report calling for a ban on “Killer Robots.”  Tom’s latest response – though mostly a serious discussion, well worth reading though it does not succeed in persuading me – has a video at the end that I will always, always fondly treasure.  It’s great.   (It’s in Hindi, and though I didn’t know Tom knew Hindi, I’m going to trust his subtitles.)

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