
Russian Parliament Passes Bill Banning “Propaganda of Non-Traditional Sexual Relationships Aimed at Minors”

Russia Beyond the Headlines has the details; the Russian-language text of the bill is here. The bill covers “the dissemination of information, aimed at forming among minors [1] nontraditional sexual orientations, [2] an attraction to nontraditional sexual relationships, [3] a distorted perception about the social equal value of traditional and nontraditional sexual relationships, or [4] the imposition of information about nontraditional sexual relationships, creating an interest in such relationships” (translation mine). Russia Beyond the Headlines quotes “the State Duma’s committee on family, women’s and children’s affairs, Yelena Mizulina” as saying that “The term homosexuality [used in the first reading of the relevant bill] will not be used, we will use the term non-traditional sexual relations.”

The bill “was supported by 436 members of the 450-seat lower house” and “needs presidential endorsement to become law.” Thanks to Prof. Howard Friedman (Religion Clause) for the pointer.

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