[Puzzleblogger Kevan Choset, July 28, 2005 at 10:43am] Trackbacks
More on Presidential Life Spans:

As a follow-up to yesterday's post, here are some questions on Presidential births. (You might want to try to answer all the questions before looking at any of the answers, since some answers may give away other ones.)

We all know that the Presidents who died closest in time to each other were John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, who both died on July 4, 1826. What two U.S. Presidents were born closest in time to each other?


What two consecutive U.S. Presidents were born furthest apart in time?


What is the longest stretch of time during which no Presidents were born? (Note that this is different from the question above. There may have been a long gap between the birth of consecutive Presidents during which some other President was born. For example, while 15 years separated the births of consecutive Presidents McKinley (1843) and Teddy Roosevelt (1858), there were, indeed, other Presidents born during that gap: Taft (1857) and Wilson (1856).)


What Presidents was born the most time before his immediate predecessor?


What President was born before the most of his predecessors?
