Law Review Editors -- Don't Let This Happen to You:
In response to my blog post on my revised essay, How to Read A Judicial Opinion: A Guide For New Law Students, I received a nice e-mail from a recent law school graduate who wanted to thank me for posting it. At first things started off very pleasantly. "Thank you for making such a reference available," the young lawyer wrote. "[H]ow I wish I had known of such an essay prior to my first day of law school!" But then signs of a very dreadful disease -- formerlawrevieweditorosis -- began to appear.
It began apologetically. "[E]ven after graduation," he wrote, "I cannot seem to turn off the admittedly anal-retentive law review editor part of my brain." Soon the disease was on full display: "I noticed the following and was almost involuntarily compelled to grab a pen," he wrote. "Please tell me the craziness will lessen with time." And then the edits followed:
It began apologetically. "[E]ven after graduation," he wrote, "I cannot seem to turn off the admittedly anal-retentive law review editor part of my brain." Soon the disease was on full display: "I noticed the following and was almost involuntarily compelled to grab a pen," he wrote. "Please tell me the craziness will lessen with time." And then the edits followed:
* Page 2 - the heading of "Concurring and/or Dissenting Opinions" is followed by a bolded period while all other similar headings above are followed by a bolded colon.I'm happy to receive these edits, of course, as I'll benefit from them when the piece reappears in print. But I did want to make sure incoming journal editors are aware of the serious health risks of their new positions: Editors, don't let this happen to you! Are there any other former journal editors in the VC readership who can provide support, a cybershoulder to cry on, or any other advice on how to cure or handle this dreaded condition? Does it go away with time? Or is the condition permanent?
* Page 4 - the heading of "Terms in Appellate Litigation" is followed by a colon that is not bolded.
* Page 5 - the heading of "3) Know the disposition" is followed by a period that is not bolded.
* Page 5 - the second paragraph under heading number 4), the third sentence would read better as ... opinions in your Civil Procedure casebook ... [as opposed to opinion].
* Page 5 - the second paragraph under heading number 4), the last sentence seems to be followed by two periods.
* Page 5 - the footnote beginning on this page (starting with "The phrase") is inconsistent with previous notes - the size of the number is larger, there is no space after the number, and (most importantly), it should be numbered as note 3 (since it follows note 2).
* Page 6 - the last paragraph under heading number 4), the second sentence includes the word "thin" that looks like it should be "think" instead.
* Page 6 - the heading of "5) Understand the significance of the majority opinion" is followed by a bolded colon while all other similar numbered headings are followed by a bolded period.
* Page 7 - the first sentence under the heading of "The Practical Reason" looks to have two spaces between "an" and "essential" rather than one.