"Following the clashes, the Palestinian press reported that Naim was killed and that he was a medic with the Palestinian Red Crescent. The Gaza CLA, however, produced photographs of Naim posing holding a rocket-propelled grenade launcher and a Kalashnikov assault rifle that had been posted on a Hamas Web site."
Not surprisingly, the percentage of civilian (or, more precisely, non-combatant) casualties in Gaza is turning out to be substantially lower than official Palestinian sources have claimed. I say not surprisingly, because anyone who remembers the false propaganda emanating from Jenin in 2002 [when about fifty Palestinians, almost all armed terror/militia group members were killed, but when, for example, PA spokesman Nabil Shaath "accused Israel of carrying out summary executions and removing corpses in refrigerated trucks. He said close to 500 people had been killed." Guardian, April 17, 2002], among other occasions, knows to take "official" Palestinian casualty statistics with a grain of salt. Apparently, however, MSM outlets, especially in Europe, don't seem to be among those who have learned this lesson.