Polling the Torture Memos:

Rasmussen Reports has some interesting polling results on the treatment of detainees and release of the torture memos. Among their reported findings:

  • 77 percent of voters say they have "followed news reports about the release of government memos about the Bush administration's interrogation of terrorism suspects" either "Very closely" or "somewhat closely."

  • 42 percent of voters believe America tortured terrorist detainees; 37 percent disagree.

  • 58 percent of voters oppose further investigation of the Bush Administration's treatment of terrorist detainees.

  • 58 percent of voters believe the recent release of memos describing interrogation techniques "endangers the national security of the United States."

I also found this question particularly interesting.

Some people say that there is a natural tension between protecting individual rights and national security. In the United States today, does our legal system worry too much about protecting individual rights, too much about protecting national security, or is the balance about right?

37% Legal system worries too much about protecting individual rights

21% Legal system worries too much about protecting national security

33% Balance is about right

The usual caveats about polling data apply. Your mileage may vary.

UPDATE: This new ABC News poll contains related questions with slightly different results.