A New "Special Master" is Named:
From The Financial Times:
President Barack Obama is due to unveil a raft of executive compensation reforms as early as Wednesday that will see the pay of the top 100 employees of bailed-out companies vetted by a new official.

A new Special Master, expected to be Kenneth Feinberg, the former head of the 9/11 compensation fund, will have the power to reject pay plans from companies receiving "exceptional assistance" from the government, according to an administration official.
USA Today describes the special powers of the Special Master:
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is about to hold a press conference where he'll announce how the new regulations will work. Here are the guidelines:
1. The Special Master will have the power to reject plans from companies with exceptional assistance that he deems to have excessive or inappropriate salary.
2. The Special Master will review the compensation structures for the top 100 salaried employees.
Does anyone else think it appropriate that Feinberg's title will be "Special Master"? Maybe this is striking me this way because, for the past few days, I have been immersed in antislavery writings about the Constitution.