Vote Fraud Indictments in K.C.:

Federal indictments have issued against four individuals who had been working on ACORN voter registration drives in Missouri. These indictments are supposedly part of a national investigation into fraudulent voter applications. Unlike prior reports of dead-people voting, here there are allegations of actual fraud. Gateway Pundit has more.

Perhaps because I grew up in Philadelphia at a time when vote fraud was all too common, I see potential vote fraud as a serious concern (and one that supporters of either party may commit). This does not mean that I dismiss concerns about disenfranchisement, quite to the contrary. Those who are eligible to vote should be able to do so without interference, but I have seen elections stolen through fraud, and believe it can still happen today.

Related Posts (on one page):

  1. "The Acorn Indictments":
  2. Vote Fraud Indictments in K.C.:
"The Acorn Indictments":

The WSJ editorializes on the recent indictments of four Acorn voter registration workers in Missouri for submitting fraudulent registrations.

We wish this were an aberration, but allegations of fraud have tainted Acorn voter drives across the country. Acorn workers have been convicted in Wisconsin and Colorado, and investigations are still under way in Ohio, Tennessee and Pennsylvania.

The good news for anyone who cares about voter integrity is that the Justice Department finally seems poised to connect these dots instead of dismissing such revelations as the work of a few yahoos. After the federal indictments were handed up in Kansas City this week, the U.S. Attorney's office said in a statement that "This national investigation is very much ongoing."

Related Posts (on one page):

  1. "The Acorn Indictments":
  2. Vote Fraud Indictments in K.C.: