The best of
Alexander "Sasha" Volokh

Cult of Capitalism Deserves More Than Ginn's Short Shrift Harvard Law Record, September 14, 2001 -- responding to Cliff Ginn's column
School Choice Could Help Alleviate Violence Wall Street Journal, April 29, 1999
Good Fences Make Good Neighbors unpublished, June 1998 -- about why property is never really a foreign concept to indigenous peoples
Shades of Green Reason, May 1998 -- about how state regulators and the private sector are making environmental policy more effective and less intrusive
n guilty men University of Pennsylvania Law Review, November 1997 -- a humorous look at criminal procedure
Software Pirates Reason, November 1997 -- about FDA regulation of computer software as "medical devices"
Is Recycling Good Or Bad -- Or Both? by Alexander Volokh and Lynn Scarlett, Consumers' Research, September 1997
Hollywood Strikes Out When Thinking About God Greenwich (Conn.) Time, September 26, 1997 -- about fallacies about science and religion in the Jodie Foster movie, Contact
Pruning the FDA National Review, August 11, 1997 -- about FDA regulation of health information
Carrots over Sticks: The case for environmental self-audits Washington Monthly, June 1997 -- on the battle between the states and the federal government about audit-privilege laws
History Shows Freedom Drives A Car Corvallis (Or.) Gazette Times, January 24, 1997 -- about automobility, Martin Luther King, and why the car is an instrument of freedom
The Trouble With Transit unpublished op-ed, December 1996 -- about the wastefulness of rail transit and how it relates to the Tribbles and the Borg of Star Trek
Money Fuels Freedom at the Core of American Society UCLA Daily Bruin, October 3, 1996 -- about why money doesn't make the world go round
Quasimodo, Property, and Sanctuary Middletown (Oh.) Journal, August 8, 1996 -- about the portrayal of property rights in Disney movies
Ad Bans Are a Bad Idea San Marino (Cal.) Tribune, August 31, 1995 -- arguing against banning tobacco advertising
Kessler's a Drag Wall Street Journal, August 8, 1995 -- about then-FDA Commissioner David Kessler's efforts to regulate nicotine as a drug, printed in a two-op-ed spread called "Smoke and Fire," illustrated with a still of Bette Davis smoking from Now, Voyager, side by side with an op-ed favoring regulation by Barry Goldwater
How Race Adds Up for UCLA Entry by Alexander Volokh and Shechao Charles Feng, Los Angeles Times, July 18, 1995 -- about how race is considered in UCLA admissions; The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, which reprinted the piece in its Autumn 1995 issue, called it "one of the best papers" they had seen "on the conservative side"
Clinical Trials: Beating the FDA in Court Reason, May 1995 -- cover story, about companies that have fought the FDA in court and won; click here for letters to the editor in the August 1995 issue of Reason responding to the article
Leaving Us to Our Own Devices RT: The Journal for Respiratory Care Practitioners, December/January 1995 -- arguing against medical device user fees for the FDA
Feel a Heart Attack Coming? Go to France Wall Street Journal, August 2, 1994 -- about how the FDA has not approved a life-saving medical device that is standard in France

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