Scales of Justice

Harvard Law School's most beloved a cappella group

Bowling retreat, September 24, 2000

Laurie, Michael Scoville, David, Caren Van Winkle,
at the Hark before the action.
Sasha, Matej Accetto, getting all buddy-buddy.

Sasha, Caren, and Michael, blinded by the light of Jessica's camera.

Caren and Matej tearing up the lanes.

Sasha in an alluring pose. Crouching Sasha, hidden Caren!
Back: Michael, Caren; Front: David, Sasha, Laurie, Matej

At Laurie's place, October 5, 2000

Eric, Sasha, and Jessica Eric, Sasha, and Jessica on the couch; David and Michael
facing each other; back of Katie Lachter's head, and
possibly Wendy. Are we watching the VP debate?

Back rank: Michael, Caren, David;
middle rank: Wendy Netter, Tara, Katie, Eric;
front rank: Jessica, Laurie, Sasha
Same picture, but Michael and Eric have more of
a smile, and Wendy and Tara have less of a head.

How many times did we take this picture on different cameras?
I swear this one is different.
Eric, Caren, and Sasha prepare to get sloshed on margaritas.

Michael suppresses Wendy. A powerful force drags everyone's head to the center of the room.

Sasha and Wendy are pulled; Katie is just flattened;
Tara and Michael stand firm.

Apple picking, October 15, 2000

Rob Krummen, Katie, and Jessica in the front; Matej in back. Matej, Rob, Jessica, Katie, and Laurie.

Apples and Laurie. David, Rob, and apples.

Matej, Rob, and David planning to run off to the circus. David, Laurie, Rob... and apples.

Rob, Laurie, Jessica, and Katie, among apples. Jessica. How do you like them apples.

Rob, a hidden person, and apples. Katie... how about those opaque dangling apples?

Jessica, David, Laurie, and Rob, observing the mortals. Matej and apples.

Rob. Matej swings from the vines.

Go, go, Gadget David! Laurie and Rob enjoy a snack.

Laurie, Rob, Matej, David, and Jessica. Apples. More of the same.

Miscellaneous pictures, Fall 2000

Tara and Michael being amused, October 2000. Katie, Sasha, and Jessica, October 2000.

David, Michael, Rob, and Matej at David's place;
Hillary! looks on in the background.

Yearbook pictures, December 4, 2000

Scales in black, Griswold 110.
Back: Jessica, Michael, Caren, Tara; middle: Wendy,
Katie, David, Eric, Laurie, Sasha, Rob; front: Matej
Scales as notes, on the floor of the Ropes-Gray Room.

Scales concert, Ames Moot Courtroom, December 6, 2000

Sasha, Rob, Tara, Laurie, Michael, Caren with flying hair,
Katie, Matej, Jessica. Wendy and David are hidden.
Eric (not visible), with new baby, is in the audience.
Tara's cousin Itt, Laurie in profile, and Michael.

Scales in formation.
Caren, Rob, Tara, Wendy, Laurie (in front),
Michael, Katie, Matej, Jessica.

Jessica sings "Criminal."
Back: Sasha, Tara, Caren, Wendy, Rob and Matej in
special "criminal" glasses, Laurie, Michael, Katie, David.

Caren, Michael, and amusing patter;
in back, Wendy (left) and Tara (right).
Same, with Tara, Laurie, Sasha, Matej, and David in back.

David holds the Santa cap for our prize drawing. Wendy, Rob, Tara, Caren, Laurie, Sasha, hidden Michael and Katie,
Matej, Jessica, David.

Scales banquet at Sasha's place, December 8, 2000

Poster signing -- David, Caren, and Wendy. Matej and Caren find each other!
Katie hiding at left; Michael signing at right.

Caren and Matej, having a good time.
My gargoyle Oscar in the background.
Caren and Matej.

Jessica explains the fine points of strangulation to Caren.

Concert at Yale with Habeas Chorus, April 24, 2001

Rehearsing in the Yale Law School classroom. Habeas Chorus. The girl in the pink jacket, fourth from the left,
is Laurie Barber, who went to Duke with Laurie Carr and was
later to work at the Institute for Justice in
Washington, D.C., with Sasha in summer 2001.

More Habeas. Michael, on "Africa."

Katie, on "Thank You." Same.

David, on "Under a C (3L version)." Same.

Scales performance, Environmental Law Society conference, Austin Hall foyer, April 28, 2001

Scales concert, Ames Moot Courtroom, May 3, 2001

An ad for the concert, from the Harvard Office of the Arts

Rehearsing in Austin East -- Eric, Caren, and Rob. Austin East -- Matej, Wendy, and Michael.

Katie singing "Thank You" -- in back, Sasha, Laurie,
Rob, Jessica, David, Wendy, Caren, and Matej.

David, on "Under a C (3L version)," can't hold his beer. More zaniness from David. In back, Eric (left arm), Sasha, Laurie,
Jessica (forehead and shoulder), Rob, Wendy, Matej, and Caren (nose).

Laurie and Caren singing; Jessica and Rob in back. Wendy doing something weird with her mouth;
Laurie, Rob, Jessica, and David in back.

The basses send Matej off; Rob at right; Sasha at left reads poem:
"In the future, you can bet, oh / Gone will be Matej Accetto /
So much sweeter than palmetto on the Carolina shore...."
Matej on "Ederlezi."

Katie; Laurie and Caren in back. Eric, Sasha, Jessica standing in front of Laurie,
Michael, Wendy, David, Caren.

Bostoniensis, our guest group (from Boston University). Bostoniensis.

Flowers for Laurie, for a brilliant year as president of Scales. Sasha sings "Contract's Unenforceable, There's No Consideration";
Rob and David in back.

New member of Scales: between Katie and Wendy,
Eric holds young Jacob.
Sasha (left arm), Wendy, Rob, Jessica, David,
Laurie, Matej, Caren, Michael.

Rob, Jessica, David, Laurie. David and Wendy in front; in back, Eric (left arm),
Sasha, Rob, Michael.

David; in back, Sasha (left arm), Laurie, Jessica, and Wendy. We take a bow. Eric (left arm), Sasha, Laurie (with hair),
Rob, David, Jessica, Wendy, Matej, Caren.

At Cambridge Common with Bostoniensis, afterwards, May 3, 2001

Planning the next year at Wendy's place, May 8, 2001

Scales banquet at David's place, May 8, 2001

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