New law journal:

Yesterday Mario Rizzo sent me the following, which I pass along for your interest:

“An exciting new journal has been founded at the NYU Law School. It will be called, The NYU Journal of Law and Liberty. Its mission is to publish articles that develop classical liberal approaches to legal issues as well as those that provide thoughtful criticisms of these approaches. The first issue (Fall, 2004) will feature articles on the legal theories of Friedrich A. Hayek. The journal will be published by the NYU Law School and edited, as is the custom with law reviews, by law students. It will be independent of any external organization or society.
I am enthusiastic about the academic potential of this endeavor (and about the greater balance it will give to scholarship at NYU). Accordingly, I shall be assisting the editors in any useful way I can.
I am writing to you with two purposes in mind: first, simply to inform you about this new journal; and, secondly, to urge you to consider writing articles for it.”

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