
Big spenders (continued):

In reference to Wednesday’s post, “We’re All Big Spenders Now,” some readers believe the comparison between Bush’s spending increases and Democratic proposals are unfair, because neither is necessarily a reliable indicator of future spending patterns. Under one theory, a Democratic president facing a Republican Congress will be forced to exercise spending restraint, resulting in lower overall spending growth than when a Republican President and Republican Congress join together for a spending splurge (as has happend over the last three years). Perhaps. It is certainly the case that after the Republican take over of Congress, spending was held in check — but this only lasted through 1998. During the last two years of Clinton’s presidency, the Congressional appropriators regained control of the ship and began spending like drunken sailors. So, in my view, divided government is no guarantee of fiscal restraint.

For more on the comparison of Bush and the Democratic contenders on spending, see the ruckus started by Big Dog over at Tacitus’ blog.

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