
New blog on sports and technology:

It is one of the Corante group, www.corante.com/transition, the blogger is Nick Schulz of TechCentralStation.com fame. Read about the politics of steroids, how athletes calculate [disclaimer: this post praises my writings], and sex change operations in the former East Germany.

Why a serious sports blog? Sports is both big business and a significant part of American and global culture. I think of sports as a form of drama, except the events in question really matter to the participants, rather than stemming from a staged script. I question the common elitist view that sports are somehow inferior per se to high culture. It is no accident that Jacob Levy and Matt Yglesias, two of the best bloggers, both comment on sports in their blogging. Sports also raise interesting questions about how we evaluate quality. As for my sports tastes, they run heavily toward professional basketball. My question for Nick’s blog is the following: why does overall NBA attendance and interest seem to go up when we see one or two dominant teams (e.g., the former Celtics, Lakers, and Bulls) rather than a so-called “competitive balance”? Do fans really look to a sports season to see a long coronation march, perhaps punctuated by one final dramatic showdown?

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