
UCLA endorsing the theological views of the Metropolitan Community Church:

A quick google search suggests that the opening paragraphs of the UCLA administration Web page endorsing a particular religious viewpoint on homosexuality is actually drawn from “Homosexuality; Not A Sin, Not A Sickness; What The Bible Does and Does Not Say,” by Rev. Elder Don Eastman, which seems to be a document generally distibuted by the Metropolitan Community Church. I stress again that I have no objections to the viewpoints itself, or to homosexuality generally — but it does seem to be that UCLA ought not be endorsing a particular church’s religious perspective.

     Incidentally, the Web page does not credit Rev. Eastman, or anyone else, for those words. I realize that the page isn’t itself an academic enterprise; and it might be that Rev. Eastman or his representatives specifically allowed them to quote him without attribution. Still, it seems to me that, especially within a university, it might be fairer to provide credit to those whose words are used.

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