
Recurring imagery watch:

[NB: I dislike calling such things ‘memes.]

The Manchester Union-Leader’s Bernadette Malone:

When the extent of Howard Dean’s irascibility became clear, they said, “Thanks, but no thanks, nut-ball.” Kerry slowly was ticking upwards in New Hampshire polls even before the Iowa caucuses. But the size of his victory Tuesday night ? or even his victory at all ? was not guaranteed until the scream that was heard round the world. Then Granite Staters gave up on him, and went to the dance with the boring guy from down the road who had asked them first anyway.

Chris Sullentrop:

Will the voters who dated Dean, then married Kerry get bored enough that they start to fantasize again about sleeping with Dean?

Me, two days ago:

The voters have tried the passionate enthusiasm thing with Dean, and worn themselves out; they’re now kind of collapsing back to Kerry out of exhaustion, as a default. The “Dated Dean, Married Kerry” buttons don’t fully communicate the dynamic, not without some tweaking. After dating a fiery, passionate guy who now seems a little nuts, these voters are lovelessly marrying the nearest single guy who seems basically grown-up and stable– someone who is boringly familiar but at least a known quantity.

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