
One Last Post on Bush and Liberals:

My posts on Bush and Clinton-hating provoked much ado in the blogosphere, but what struck me most is how many liberal commenters (especially in the comments sections of various blogs) argued, “sure Bush is spending tons of money on discretionary programs,” but (1) it’s still not enough; (2) a smidgeon of it is going to things they don’t like, such as DC’s voucher program; and (3) (without presenting any facts or evidence) the money is being directed to significantly different purposes than it was in the past. I would advise these folks to read The Politics of a Guaranteed Income, by Daniel P. Moynihan, which discusses in excruciating detail how liberal mistrust of Nixon’s intentions, combined with an insistence on holding out for a full loaf (fresh out of the oven, with butter and cream cheese) cost liberals dearly when a little cooperation with a purportedly “conservative” president eager to establish “compassionate” credentials on domestic policy before a reelection battle would have gotten them 95% of what they wanted. On second thought, don’t read it, from my perspective things will work out better that way.

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