
European Anti-Semitism:

Chris Bertram at Crooked Timber links to, and endorses, a Financial Times article suggesting that concerns about resurgent European anti-Semitism are significantly overblown. I could dispute Chris’s claims, but the comments to his post do a great job. One point that even these commenters seem to miss: given that only France and England have any substantial numbers of Jews left, one would think that anti-Semitism (and, for that matter, philo-Semitism), would be far lower in most European countries than in the U.S., where Jews are a quite visible, and influential, minority.
One curiosity of Chris’s post is that he states, based on the article he links to, that age is not a good predictor of anti-Semitism in the U.S., a statement I knew to be false, and one which it took me exactly five seconds of Google searching to confirm to be false (search of ADL age anti-semitism).
UPDATE: More from Pejman and Yglesias.

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