A blast from the past:

For a great parody (whether deliberate or accidental) of hard-core Marxism, see Proculian Meditations. It has it all: Pejorative yet mysterious jargon — yes, even “running dog” makes an appearance, and our own Randy Barnett is described as a “crypto-anarchist, pseudo-libertarian” (so deep down inside he’s anarchist, but doesn’t admit it, yet he isn’t really a libertarian, but somehow a “pseudo-” one — uh-huh). Dark mutterings about ruling class conspiracies (“so-called ‘libertarians’ exist because it is in the interests of the ruling class to detach social issues like gay rights from the only issue that really counts, class struggle” — presumably if it wasn’t in the ruling class’s interest, we’d somehow be vanished).

     Genuine bile, not just substantive disagreement but vituperation, aimed at others on the Left who aren’t radical enough. Broader bile aimed at everyone else, thus guaranteeing that one’s appeal will be limited to readers who really enjoy being angry, contemptuous, and strident. Lots of exclamation points! (though, to be frank, this is one place I deduct credit, since there aren’t as many as I’d have expected). Yes, give me that old-time religion. I am impressed.

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