You Can’t Say That! Website: The site, just launched, is meant to provide complementary and supplemental materials for readers of my You Can’t Say That! The Growing Threat to Civil Liberties from Antidiscrimination Laws, especially for students interested in pursuing related topics for research papers for First Amendment seminars or undergraduate courses in Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. Among other things, the site has links to as many of the footnoted sources as I (and my RA) could find online, as well as links to additional sources not cited in the book, to related op-eds, and to reviews. The site is something of an experiment and is very much a work in progress, so I would appreciate any feedback readers would care to give me. The idea is to harness the power of the web to make my scholarly work more useful and accessible. Let me know what you think.
UPDATE: BTW, An outfit on Amazon call A1techbooks claims to be selling new copies of You Can’t Say That! for $5.99. Caveat emptor. The book isn’t in remainder, and I don’t know of any conceivable way this seller could have received a stockpile of books (normal Amazon price: $14) to sell at this price (and it’s not just one book, I ordered one to see what would happen, and the listing remained on Amazon). The website listed for the seller, (the seller’s email adress), lists the selling price as $13.80. [The apparently mistaken listing is gone now.]

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