Speaking of Yiddish:

That reminds me, here’s a Yiddish song which I think is both one of the best Yiddish songs generally and one of the best songs to come out of the Holocaust. It’s called Unter Dayne Vayse Shtern (Under Your White Stars). The version I link to has mistakes in the Yiddish, but it’s good enough, and has an O.K. English translation. There’s nothing like listening to the music, though. It’s on Mandy Patinkin’s CD Mamaloshen (sound clip here), and I also once heard it on Ruth Seymour’s KCRW Hannukah show, Philosophers, Fiddlers, and Fools.

UPDATE: I’m glad to bring people and Yiddish songs together! Reader Ronald Gans dimly phonetically remembered a Yiddish song from childhood, and I was able to identify it as another one of the great Yiddish songs, Oyf’n Pripetshok, which appeared in Schindler’s List, on the Patinkin album Mamaloshen, on the KCRW Hannukah show, and other places.

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