A wide range of viewpoints:

Dahlia Lithwick, in Slate, urges Bush to support a particular approach to gay marriage (which, I assume from her article, is “letting Massachusetts set its own rules and letting the courts chew over the whole mess for a few years”):

There is a principled, moderate resolution to this issue, but he has thus far ignored it in favor of big rhetoric. Commentators from the conservative Andrew Sullivan to the liberal Cass Sunstein have espoused it. But the president has failed to hear it.

Hmm — from the conservative supporter of gay marriage Andrew Sullivan to the liberal supporter of gay marriage Cass Sunstein? It’s shocking that the President, an opponent of gay marriage, would ignore such a wide range of opinion.

     Wouldn’t it have been good to make clear, for those Slate readers who don’t know that Sullivan is a leading advocate of gay marriage, to make clear that both cited commentators are gay marriage supporters? And if that was made clear, wouldn’t “Commentators from the conservative [supporter of gay marriage] Andrew Sullivan to the liberal [supporter of gay marriage] Cass Sunstein have espoused it” be seen for the rather unpersuasive argument that it is?

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