Love and death:

David Kaufman passes along this AP story:

Dressed in a demure black suit, a 35-year-old Frenchwoman has married her dead boyfriend, an exchange of vows that required authorization from President Jacques Chirac.

Under French law, Christelle Demichel became both bride and widow in the ceremony, which was performed Tuesday at Nice City Hall on the French Riviera. . . .

[The groom’s] body was not present for the ceremony.

Such marriages are legal if the living spouse can prove the couple had intended to marry before the other died. The French president must also authorize it.

As Kaufman points out, “the most interesting thing about this story is that evidently French law has contemplated it. Apparently, in France, it’s not that unusual to marry a dead guy.” Laugh, rage, or be moved — I leave the reaction to you.

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