The German brain drain:

“After investing tens of thousands in education and training costs, Germany is losing its best qualified professionals to better paid positions elsewhere, economists complain. . .

Every seventh person with a doctorate in science leaves Germany for the United States, The Scientist magazine has reported. Three of the four German Nobel Prize winners work in the United States. . .

“American universities offer scientists better pay conditions, more time for research and less time spent teaching,” said Peter Doermann, a research group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Plant Physiology near Berlin. Some estimates say that scientists can earn three times as much money working in the United States compared to Germany.”

Here is the full set of links, courtesy of Keep this in mind next time you are worried about outsourcing.

Addendum: Read Chris Mooney on the movement of stem cell research to South Korea, due to regulatory constraints and bad science policy.

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