PC at UNC:

Student at UNC expresses religious objections to homosexual conduct and criticizes homosexuality as “disgusting” in class. Professor sends out an email to the entire class lambasting this student:

“what we experienced, as unforuntate (sic) as it is, is, however, a perfect example of privilege. that a white, heterosexual, christian male, one who vehemently denied his privilege last week insisting that he earned all he has, can feel entitled to make violent, heterosexist comments and not feel marked or threatened or vulnerable is what privilege makes possible.”
The professor adds that such “hate speech” creates a “hostile environment” and will not be tolerated in her class. Another example of PC run amok? Not quite. James Thompson, chair of the English Department, responded to complaints as follows:
Thank you for your concern. I understand that news of this incident is distressing to anyone interested in higher education and free and open speech. We are here at UNC to promote responsible and respectful exchange, not to discourage or censor it. The original email should not have been sent out, and the instructor has apologized. I will be monitoring the class closely for the rest of the semester.

I think a professor has the right to keep classroom discussion civil, including by politely admonishing students who call the ingrained sexual preferences of their colleagues “disgusting.” But the intemperate email went way over the line, making the student an example of a type of person who needs to be silenced. The professor in question is awfully lucky that the student she lambasted apparently chose not to file a formal complaint with the Department of Education charging her with creating an illegal hostile educational environment for white male Christians. I of course am against such uses of hostile environment law, though in this case it would nevertheless be poetic justice.

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