A strange work to include in a gallery exhibit “designed to challenge anti-Semitism”:

     Here’s the story from Secular Blasphemy:

Galleri A Minor in Oslo, Norway, has removed an art work from its exhibition after a complaint from Israel’s ambassador to Norway, Liora Herzl. The painting (above) shows the “S” in the words “Israel” and “USA” changed into a swastika.

[Gallery owner Andreas] Engelstad consulted Julius Paltiel, a leader for Judaism in Norway and one of only two Holocaust survivors living in this country, and thereafter decided to remove the painting from the exhibition out of respect for the victims of the Holocaust.

The artist, Chris Reddy, regrets the decision and argues the criticism betrays a lack of understanding of art and the purpose of art. He says you can’t only think about the feelings of Holocaust survivors.

The exhibition was ironically one intended to draw attention to anti-semitism, especially the one conducted by Christians and Arabs in the name of God.

The name of the painting? “Anti Semite in the Name of God.” Go figure. . . .

Read more details here.

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