
Adbusters magazine has decided that besides criticizing marketing, they also need to give a list of which leading conservatives are Jewish. A sample quote: “Some commentators are worried that these individuals — labeled ‘Likudniks’ for their links to Israel’s right wing Likud party — do not distinguish enough between American and Israeli interests. For example, whose interests were they protecting in pushing for war in Iraq?”

     Yes, I know most of you will think I’m just peeved with Adbusters for not including my name on the list. Still, check out the article and see what you think about it. Michael Totten, through whom I learned of this item, has some rather apt criticisms. Thanks to InstaPundit for the pointer. And always remember: Most of the nonanonymous cobloggers on the Conspiracy are Jewish. (I’m not going to put little *s on the list on the left-hand side of the screen, though.) Let the aspersions begin.

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