State v. Federal Parks:

Just enjoyed a spectacular day driving from Mountain View to Monterey by way of the Big Basin Redwoods State Park. Being off-season and a weekday afternoon, the park was peaceful and largely deserted. Here I am standing in the redwood named the “Mother-of-the-Forest,” which stands 329 feet tall..

Hiking in this park reminded me that some of the most enjoyable parks we visited on a cross-country family camping trip some years ago were state parks such as Valley of Fire State Park in Nevada, and Dead Horse Point State Park and Coral Pink San Dunes State Park, both in Utah. This made me speculate whether, given the criticisms of the management of parks by the National Park Service, we would have been better off if our park system had developed under state control. They seem more low key, but this may just be because these parks are less popular. I really do not know much about this, but today’s visit made me wonder. And blogging about the great outdoors makes me feel like Glenn Reynolds.

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