Ashdod Terror Attack:

A very interesting Debka analysis of yesterday’s terror attack in Ashdod, Israel. One never knows exactly how much credence to give Debka, but this one seems plausible. Main points: (1) the terrorists managed to slip out of Gaza while Israeli forces were distracted by a diversion–two armed Hamas men, reported killed Saturday; (2) the target was chemical storage facilities in Ashdod, a “mega terror” attack. Palestinians in Gaza, celebrating the attack, carried premade placards showing storage tanks in flames; (3) the operation was a joint Hamas-Fatah operation, blessed by Yassir Arafat, who is desperately trying to prevent his rival, Mohammad Dahlan, from taking control of Gaza. This last point jibes with reports today of new calls by Israeli cabinet officials to expel Arafat. If Arafat is really behind this terrorism though, he should not be expelled, but either taken into Israeli custody where he can be monitored, or simply bombed into oblivion.

UPDATE: In other Mideast news, the UN has convened an emergency session to condemn Syria for its massacre over the weekend of several dozen Kurds. Yeah, right.

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