Disturbing Quote from European Commission Chief:

From AFP: “The head of the EU executive arm, European Commission chief Romano Prodi, agreed, in an interview published by Italy’s La Stampa newspaper. ‘It is clear that using force is not the answer to resolving the conflict with terrorists,’ Prodi said.”

I haven’t seen the original interview in La Stampa, nor could I understand it if I did. But the quote sounds pretty bad. What does Prodi want to do with Al Qaeda? Invite them over for tea and crumpets? Capitulate? I think Neville Chamberlain analogies tend to be promiscuously ovevrused, but Europeans should have learned the lesson that when faced with ideological fanatics bent on world domination, “using force” is the only answer. If any Italian speakers out there have access to the original interview and can provide some context, please let me know.

UPDATE: Apparently, the correct translation of the quote should have been “only using force.”

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