More on American Anti-Semitism:

Responding to my post this morning Jews are the canary in the coal mine of civilization about Jeff Jacoby’s column The cancer of anti-Semitism in Europe, a colleague writes:

I commend you for your post . . . regarding rising anti-Semitism in Europe, a fact that too many want to sweep under the rug. Unfortunately, as reported early last year in the San Francisco Chronicle, this rising tide of anti-Semitism is hardly limited to the Continent. Among other disturbing trends, nearly one in four Americans between the ages of 18 and 34 believe that Jewish control of the media distorts the news, a rate that is higher than the 16 percent of baby boomers who held that view. The survey also found that 34 percent of Americans agree that “Jews have too much influence on Wall Street,” that 37 percent believe that the Jews were responsible for killing Jesus Christ, and that nearly a third of all Americans fear that a Jewish president may have divided loyalties when dealing with the state of Israel. While we are experiencing nothing like the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe, I, for one, find these results to be disturbing and troubling nonetheless.

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