More on Arafat’s Complicity in Terror:

According to Ha’aretz, Arafat’s cabinet wants to act against breakaway factions of the Fatah movement that are engaging in freelance terrorism in combination with Hamas. Arafat refuses to countenance such action. If Debka is correct, this is because Arafat favors this terrorism. It’s been clear for years that Arafat is the main obstacle to peace between Israel and the Palestinians; he personally scuttled any hope of a peace deal in 2000 at Camp David (it’s been reported that his top aides and foreign Arab leaders urged him to accept Barak’s offer (for conflicting reports on this, see here (Arab leaders urge Arafat not to concede on Jerusalem) and here (Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia urges Arafat to accept deal), or at least its general contours), and instead launched the present terrorist war of attrition against Israel. Why do the U.S. and Europe continue to serve as his guardians?

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