Looking for a lawsuit to boost your book?

“Publishing a book has always been a risky prospect, with success all too often dictated by events beyond an author’s or publisher’s control: a glowing review, selection by a book club, an invitation to appear on radio or television.

But there’s another path to literary success, at least for a lucky few: litigation. Paradoxically, a lawsuit, especially a flimsy one, can be a boon to a book’s fortunes. And increasingly, some writers and publishers admit to hoping they’ll attract one.”

Here is the the full article. The bottom line is this: modern publishing requires some means to ration reader attention. More often than not, scandal fills the bill. Note, however, that academics may not find this path so rewarding. They already own some reputational capital among their peers, which a lawsuit, whether just or not, is unlikely to enhance. Seeking a lawsuit is more useful for those who have no preexisting reputation to lose.

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