Terrorism hits Close to Home:

Amidst all the headlines about Yassin yesterday, you may have read that an Arab man attack three individuals on Ben-Gurion street in Ramat Gan, Israel with an axe, injuring one seriously. The incident took place right outside my girlfriend’s father’s apartment buidling. Worse, my girlfriend happens to be in Israel right now visiting her father, and was in the apartment when the attack occurred. The police warned everyone to stay in their homes, and Israeli t.v. in general is warning everyone to be alert–the whole nation is on edge waiting to see how Hamas tries to retaliate. This is the second time my girlfriend has been near a terrorist atrocity; last Summer she was in Israel on a work-related matter, and had been at the site of a bombing hours before. And she’s not really in Israel that often, so you can imagine how many “close calls” many Israelis have. Of course, laws of statistics and probability being what they are, many close calls aren’t really so close. Thousands of people may pass a certain spot on a given day, tens of thousands in a given month, but only a few dozen will be there when a bomb goes off. Still, it’s a small country, and everyone is constantly thinking, “there but for the grace of God go I.”

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