
More on The Grey Album:

See my post from yesterday. Ernest Miller writes:

“Educated Guesswork has an insightful response to the ongoing Grey Album controversy (Infringing mixes). The proposal is that rather than distribute the fully remixed version of the Beatle’s White Album with Jay-Z’s Black Album, one could distribute the mechanical instructions for remixing the albums: a remix recipe if you will. Those interested in the Grey Album would have to have access to both the White Album and Black Album in order to make use of the recipe, but the traditional elements of copyright would not be implicated in such a scheme. I believe that this is a brilliant model for our rip-mix-burn culture.

Of course, despite the fact that the traditional elements of copyright are not implicated, copyright holders do not like this vision of the remixed future. Indeed, that is one of the major issues in question in the ongoing “Clean Flicks” case involving similar technology used with DVDs. I say, let a thousand edits bloom, let us hurry the future of digital annotations.”

The full post offers useful links as well. It is debated how easy software can make this home remixing. For relevant links, click here, here, and here. Personally, I would like instructions for remixing Doris Day and Jamaican dancehall music.

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