
Twelve Year Old (Update: Now Determined to be Fourteen Years Old) Suicide Bomber:

Ha’aretz reports: “Israel Defense Forces paratroopers caught a Palestinian boy, aged 12, wearing an explosive belt at the Hawara roadblock south of Nablus in the West Bank on Wednesday afternoon… The army believes that the boy was meant to detonate the belt near the soldiers or near the nearby army base.”

This is not an anomaly, but the final product of years of brainwashing in Palestinian schools and media, glorifying “shaheeds” and telling children that their greatest duty is to become shaheeds. This short video, well worth viewing, shows what Palestinian children are taught. Can Palestinian society become any sicker? Israel’s security barrier can’t be built soon enough.

UPDATE: “Abdu told soldiers of his dream of receiving 70 virgins in heaven, which his dispatchers had promised him, and said that he had been tempted by the promise of sexual relations with the virgins. He said that he had been bullied at school for his poor academic performance and that he had wanted ‘to be a hero.'” So much for the “myth” that suicide bombers are tempted with promises of seventy virgins. Also, indications are that the kid was borderline retarded. Real heroes those Tanzim “fighters” are, sending a slow fourteen year old to blow himself up!

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