I’m passing this along from some Boalt Hall students:
$150 cash prize
LAW & aesthetics
Imagine there is something called “Law & Aesthetics” that is studied and taught at law schools. Now, write its encyclopedia entry.
There are no restrictions other than those suggested by the title of the encyclopedia entry. As you see fit, your assignment is to invent the history and/or substance of Law & Aesthetics, a discipline that does not presently exist. You are encouraged to:
- invent or rewrite history in order to accommodate your creative vision.
- attribute elements of the discipline to historical figures (artists, legal scholars, philosophers, judges, historians, etc.) or invent its participants out of whole cloth.
- integrate strands of existing theories and realms of inquiry you deem relevant or create something from scratch.
- chronicle the history and evolution of the discipline; catalog its adherents and critics and their contributions; detail its tenets and research program; summarize the leading books or articles; or all (or none) of the above.
- be creative.
This creative writing contest is open to Boalt Hall Faculty, Students and Staff.* Winning entries will receive appropriate recognition. The author of the best entry will receive $150.00.
Entries should be submitted to [email protected]. The text of this announcement is available on request at this email address. Additional information probably will not be provided, however, in order to maintain a level playing field. Entries should be longer than, say, a dictionary entry but probably no more than a thousand or twelve hundred words. The submissions deadline is Wednesday, April 7, 2004. Contest rules may change; however, the cash prize will be awarded if a minimum number of entries are received.
*and some others: the contest is open to Boalt Hall students, faculty, and staff; and to their friends, family, and household members, and to the friends of these people.
I am assured by the contest organizers that any reader of The Volokh Conspiracy is a friend of theirs.
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