Ranking the Law Schools by Median LSAT

on US News’s website (premium access required), Georgetown moves up to seventh, Fordham to sixteenth, BYU to 21st, U. Washington to 25th, GMU to 31st, Cardozo to 35th, Baylor to 36th, San Diego to 44th, Brooklyn to 46th, and Lewis and Clark to 47th. As I mentioned previously geographic desireability seems a significant factor in attracting good students. Given these LSAT rankings, these schools are likely much harder to get into than their ranking suggests, although an even better indication would be their twentienth percentile LSAT. Many premier state schools, including Texas, Iowa, Illinois, and North Carolina drop based on their LSAT, so these schools are likely easier to get into, especially for in-state students, than their U.S. News ranking would suggest.

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